О компании RHI AG (Вена)
ИНН/КПП 662517068028/
RHI является глобально действующим поставщиком высококачественных огнеупорных изделий, систем и услуг, которые необходимы для промышленных высокотемпературных процессов, превышающих 1200 ° C.
RHI is a globally operating supplier of high-grade refractory products, systems and services, which are indispensable for industrial high-temperature processes exceeding 1,200 °C.
With roughly 7,500 employees, 30 production facilities and more than 70 sales offices, RHI serves more than 10,000 customers from the steel, cement, nonferrous metals, glass, energy and chemical industries in nearly all countries of the world. RHI produces more than 1.5 million tons of refractory products per year and supplies customized product and system solutions.
Refractory linings made by RHI ensure that a wide range of aggregates including steel ladles, cement rotary kilns, copper converters or glass furnaces withstand extreme thermal, mechanical and chemical stress.
The production of refractories is resource-intensive. The naturally occurring raw materials magnesite and dolomite are used as basic materials. Roughly 70% of the global deposits are located in three countries: China, North Korea and Russia. RHI covers approximately 70% of its requirements from seven Group-owned raw material sites and is therefore largely independent of raw material markets.
The RHI Group attaches great importance to research. The innovative power, which has made RHI the global technology leader, is based on decades of research and development activities, which have given RHI a leading edge. The company invests over € 20 million annually in this future-oriented segment.
Demand for refractory products is primarily driven by growing prosperity, the level of industrial production and infrastructure projects. Although refractory products account for less than 2% of the production costs of customer industries, they are crucial to the quality of the products manufactured.
RHI in figures
Employees: roughly 7,500 – more than 170 of them in Research & Development.
Sales offices: more than 70 on 4 continents.
Production sites: around 30 in Europe, North and South America, Asia.
Production volume: more than 1.5 million tons p.a. of refractory bricks, mixes, mortars and functional products.
Group raw material sites: Output: approx. 1.5 million tonnes of magnesite and dolomite.
RHI is a globally operating supplier of high-grade refractory products, systems and services, which are indispensable for industrial high-temperature processes exceeding 1,200 °C.
With roughly 7,500 employees, 30 production facilities and more than 70 sales offices, RHI serves more than 10,000 customers from the steel, cement, nonferrous metals, glass, energy and chemical industries in nearly all countries of the world. RHI produces more than 1.5 million tons of refractory products per year and supplies customized product and system solutions.
Refractory linings made by RHI ensure that a wide range of aggregates including steel ladles, cement rotary kilns, copper converters or glass furnaces withstand extreme thermal, mechanical and chemical stress.
The production of refractories is resource-intensive. The naturally occurring raw materials magnesite and dolomite are used as basic materials. Roughly 70% of the global deposits are located in three countries: China, North Korea and Russia. RHI covers approximately 70% of its requirements from seven Group-owned raw material sites and is therefore largely independent of raw material markets.
The RHI Group attaches great importance to research. The innovative power, which has made RHI the global technology leader, is based on decades of research and development activities, which have given RHI a leading edge. The company invests over € 20 million annually in this future-oriented segment.
Demand for refractory products is primarily driven by growing prosperity, the level of industrial production and infrastructure projects. Although refractory products account for less than 2% of the production costs of customer industries, they are crucial to the quality of the products manufactured.
RHI in figures
Employees: roughly 7,500 – more than 170 of them in Research & Development.
Sales offices: more than 70 on 4 continents.
Production sites: around 30 in Europe, North and South America, Asia.
Production volume: more than 1.5 million tons p.a. of refractory bricks, mixes, mortars and functional products.
Group raw material sites: Output: approx. 1.5 million tonnes of magnesite and dolomite.
Основная информация
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Краткое название
RHI AG (Вена)
Дата регистрации
5 октября 2017
1100, Австрия, Вена, г. Вена, ул. Wienerbergstraße, д. 9
Юридический адрес
1100, г. Вена, ул. Wienerbergstraße, д. 9
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