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ПодписатьсяЗакупки Sunbo pump
ИНН/КПП 130104589670073
Shijiazhuang Sunbo pump Co., ltd is a professional centrifugal slurry pump manufacture of China. Sunbo is to serve global industries that supply valuable raw materials to the marketplace with trustworthy and reliable pumps, parts, and service. our products are widely used in mining, metallurgy, coal washing, power generation plant, sewage water treatment, dredging, and chemical and petroleum industries.
Our aim and objectives are to drive down your cost of slurry pumping. We accept OEM business, pump and pump parts are both ok. Welcome to SUNBO.
Our aim and objectives are to drive down your cost of slurry pumping. We accept OEM business, pump and pump parts are both ok. Welcome to SUNBO.
Основная информация
Полное название
Shijiazhuang Sunbo Pump Co., Ltd
Краткое название
Sunbo pump
Дата регистрации
5 августа 2015
Shijiazhuang, Hebei,China, Румыния, г. Яссы, ул. #25 Huifeng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei China 050000, д. 701, 702
Юридический адрес
Shijiazhuang, Hebei,China, г. Яссы, ул. #25 Huifeng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei China 050000, д. 701, 702
Информация доступна только на платных тарифах.
Информация доступна только на платных тарифах.